Fill out the below form: Details Of Senior Driver Senior Driver's First Name Senior Driver's Last Name Behaviour & Ability 1. Wears glasses or lenses as per conditions on the back of the driver license YesNo 2. Can safely operate all vehicle controls YesNo 3. Follows all traffic laws and road markings YesNo 4. Remains calm and confident when driving YesNo Lateral Road Position & Following Distance 1. Maintains a safe following distance YesNo 2. Maintains a safe position in their lane YesNo 3. Safe lateral road position when passing parked objects YesNo 4. Uses proper procedures at different types of intersections (e.g., stops and give ways, traffic islands, controlled and uncontrolled intersections, etc.) YesNo 5. Applies Give Way rules correctly at intersections YesNo 6. Merges into the flow of traffic correctly YesNo Observation 1. Observation techniques at intersections YesNo 2. Observation techniques when changing lanes, merging and in general when changing position on the road YesNo 3. Regularly checks the rear vision mirror and side mirrors YesNo Speed Control 1. Keeps to the maximum speed limit YesNo 2. Flows with the traffic within the speed limit YesNo 3. Maintains a steady/consistent speed YesNo 4. Uses brakes appropriately YesNo 5. Avoids jerky starts and stops YesNo 6. Fully stops at stop signs YesNo 7. Stops at amber lights unless it is unsafe to do so YesNo Steering 1. Safe steering in all driving situations YesNo 2. Maintains correct grip on steering wheel YesNo Communication 1. Uses indicators correctly YesNo 2. Uses horn appropriately YesNo Hazard Perception 1. Drives at speed appropriate for conditions YesNo 2. Aware of hazards and deals with these appropriately YesNo Your Recommendation In your professional opinion do you consider seniorfirstname seniorlastname competent to drive or not competent to drive? (This will be taken into account by the decision-maker regarding this person’s ability to retain their licence as part of their overall assessment). Competent to drive? SafeNot Safe Additional Comments Driving Assessor Details Assessor's First Name Assessor's Last Name Name Of Driving School Δ